BACS Clients
Realize A 96% Success Rate
In Selecting And Implementing
ERP Systems

BACS Consulting Group Your Partner for Comprehensive Information Technology Solutions

This contrasts to an industry average whopping 73% failure rate. What is it about BACS Consulting Group clients that has them achieve an outcome far beyond the norm?

We think the success enjoyed by our clients is due primarily to three factors.

  1. Sufficient time and attention spent determining actual business and system needs.
  2. Developing a rigorous understanding the future-desired internal processes, and
  3. ensuring stakeholder engagement to gain genuine buy-in.

In a nutshell, ERP system implementations fall short because people are in a hurry to create failure. They skip steps, fail to build alignment, and don’t clearly understand their goals.

A better solution is to move briskly (effectively rather than quickly), make sure needs are fully understood, understand the objective, make sure all stakeholders and the team members are aligned, and answer the tough questions before implementation starts.

At BACS, we do not do it like everyone else. Our method drives toward success – every time.

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Technology Solutions

Digital Transformation

Forging Business Solutions
Through Technology

Our Digital Transformation practice excels in resolving business challenges by employing suitable technologies. Our focus is not on selling technology but instead identifying the right solutions to maximize the following outcomes:

  • Business Processes: We empower our clients to embrace digital tools and technologies, enhancing their operations’ efficiency, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. Our services include digitalizing paperwork, implementing workflow automation, and adopting collaborative platforms.
  • Client Experience: We prioritize improving client interactions and engagement through digital channels, leveraging readily available data.
  • Data-driven Insights: We harness data and analytics to extract valuable insights into various business aspects, such as customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency. These insights guide decision-making, open up new opportunities, and fuel innovation.
  • Organizational Culture: A successful digital transformation propels a cultural shift within an organization. This shift encourages a culture of innovation, agility, and adaptability to embrace change, experiment with new technologies, and promote collaboration and knowledge-sharing across teams.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Most Digital Transformation initiatives start with an enterprise systems selection and implementation such as ERP. Similar solutions are Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Enterprise Science Platforms (ESP), Customer Resource Management (CRM), Electronic Health Records (EHR), and the like. Updating Enterprise Systems almost always impacts business culture, making such a change controlled and measured.

Our Digital Transformation practice transcends the traditional technical approach of IT, creating a continuous process as technologies evolve, customer expectations change, and new opportunities arise. We guide our clients in successfully navigating the digital transformation journey to gain a competitive advantage, increase operational efficiency, and deliver unparalleled value to their customers.

Digital & IT Transformation Insights

Digital transformation remains pivotal for organizations as they strive for agility, efficiency, and innovation. Embracing digital technologies reshapes business models, enabling streamlined workflows, improved data-driven decision-making, and enhanced customer experiences.

Check Out Our Digital Transformation Information